Registration Page For Videos

Note: One would need to register to access all videos other than public programs. Registration is strictly limited to those who are currently practicing Sahaja Yoga.

Kindly provide enough details below what can be used for verification, if required

First Name
(min 2 characters)
Mid Name
(if any)
Last Name
(min 2 characters)
Your Email
(valid mail format)
(min 8 characters)
(country of residence)
State / Region
(state of residence)
(city of residence)
Your WhatsApp Number
(if any)
Your Collective
(where you attend meetings)
Reference Name
(reference from your collective)
Additional Notes
(if any)

Answer following questions based on your Sahaja Yoga knowledge (7 out of 10 needs to be correct)

  1. How many petals are there in Nabhi chakra?     
  2. Which chakra is represented by our thumb?     
  3. If one feels always guilty which chakra would suffer?     
  4. What a weak Center-Heart would mostly cause?     
  5. Which incarnation of Shri Vishnu rules our right heart?     
  6. Which chakra represents innocence within us?     
  7. Which element helps us to clear our left channel?     
  8. Which element helps us to clear our Agnya chakra?     
  9. Where does our guru principle reside?     
10. In how many coils Kundalini resides in Mooladhara?     

Donations are not accepted for this work but kindly contribute to USA Projects, or in Cabella Projects or for any Sahaj work in the world or in your local collective